• Lettered Troll selling out

    08 November 2023

    The fundraiser to help bring my picture book to life -- The Terrified Troll, which is being illustrated by a talented young artist called Eva Byrne -- is ticking along nicely. There's still loads...

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  • Troll halfway there

    07 November 2023

    I know I've posted a lot about my Terrified Troll picture book fundraiser recently, so I'll keep this brief.


    1) Today we passed the 50% point, after just over a week of the fundraiser going...

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  • Self-Publishing Father review

    06 November 2023

    I've been so busy plugging my picture book fundraiser this last week (what?!? you haven't heard about it yet?!? do a search for THE TERRIFIED TROLL INDIEGOGO) that I kind of forgot to throw in an...

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  • Luke reviews CDF as an adult

    04 November 2023

    A reviewer called LUKE W HENDERSON was a big fan of my books when he was a teenager. A decade later he decided to return to the series to see how they stood up when read from an adult's...

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  • Revised fundraiser prices

    02 November 2023

    OK, I’m going to be honest here — I boo-booed a bit with my Terrified Troll fundraiser!! It’s the first time I’ve ever run something like this, and even though Eva (the artist) and I spent AGES...

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  • Shanville Monthly November 2023

    01 November 2023

    The November issue of my monthly online newsletter went live today, with all the latest Darren Shan news and updates.


    The BIG news, of course, is that I'm in the process of making a PICTURE...

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