• A missing piece of the puzzle

    09 September 2022

    Now, THIS is an odd one!!


    A fan called BRETT wrote to me recently, asking me if they could send a book of mine to me in the post, for me to sign and return to them. I'm normally reluctant to do...

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  • The Vampire Prince short film

    08 September 2022

    Last year a YouTuber called RAT set about making a series of very funny short films based on the books in my Saga Of Darren Shan / Cirque Du Freak series. I shared the first five, and here's the...

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  • Fan stuff

    07 September 2022

    So... what do you look for next, if you've bought every book that I've ever published?!? Well, if you're a Shanster called MEL, you track down one of the very cool posters that were made to promote...

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  • September 2022 competition

    06 September 2022

    When I released the paperback of Archibald Lox and the Sinkhole to Hell, which is book 7 of the series, I produced an ultra-limited collector's edition of just 5 copies, from proofs (ARCs). I'm...

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  • Gifts from fans

    05 September 2022

    I received a few hand-made presents from Shansters recently which blew my mind and warmed my heart. I never ask for or expect anything like these from you guys, so it really does touch and amaze me...

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  • Shan snaps from May and June

    04 September 2022

    Time for some more Shan Sunday snaps! The first two date back to May, while the last two were taken when we went on holiday to Lanzarote in June. (There are going to be LOTS more photos from that...

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