• Readers Enjoy Authors’ Dreams

    24 January 2022

    A blogger called Lauren run a blog called Readers Enjoy Authors' Dreams, which is all about... books!!


    A while back, Lauren posted about her favourite vampire series, saying she was vampire...

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  • October photos

    23 January 2022

    Back in the October half-term, the Shans flew to London for the first time (as a family) since before the start of COVID. We all had a great holiday, and here are some more photos from it.



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  • B x K - move over, Barbie!!!

    22 January 2022

    How cool is this?!? A fan of my Zom-B series, called K, decided to create a doll based on that series' main character, B Smith!!


    I think K did an absolutely brilliant job -- there's a photo of...

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  • Shrines of Shan!

    21 January 2022

    I think every true bookworm loves casting an eye over photos of other people's bookshelves -- it's intriguing to see how others arrange their books and decorate their shelves.


    And I think, if...

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  • Archibald Lox Volume 2 hardback sales

    20 January 2022

    I always like to keep an eye out for bargains which I can share with my fans, and I recently spotted some price reductions of the hardback omnibus Volume 2 edition of my Archibald Lox series. This...

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  • Wottaread

    19 January 2022

    I was interviewed over on the site Wottaread a few days ago. This is the first interview I've given since last August, and it's quite a major one, in which I answer LOTS of questions. It's very...

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