• Only 10 days until Octocon 2021!

    23 September 2021

    Only 10 days to go until my ONLY live online event of 2021 at Octocon 2021 -- are you getting excited yet?!?


    Octocon is the National Irish Science Fiction Convention. It's usually held in...

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  • YA fantasy adaptations of the 2000s

    22 September 2021

    Several months ago (sorry for being so late with my link!!) a YouTuber called Better With Bob? (with the coolest bandana in YouTubedom!) filmed an impressive video about YA fantasy books in the...

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  • Lily Luchesi likes Archibald Lox!

    21 September 2021

    As I often say, I appreciate EVERY review that comes in for a book of mine -- the positive reviews obviously put a big smile on my face and are easy to love, but even if they're negative, I respect...

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  • AtheiSocial’s review of Cirque Du Freak

    20 September 2021

    A YouTuber called AtheiSocial posted a short, entertaining video review of Cirque Du Freak a while back, prompted by a 28th birthday treat!! :-) I really like his delivery style -- and he's maybe...

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  • Youghal

    19 September 2021

    When the Shans went on holiday to Fota Island in July, we travelled around Cork a bit as well, and on one of the days we went to the beach in Youghal. It wasn't the sunniest of days, but we had a...

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  • Cake!!!!!

    18 September 2021

    My son Dante is having a party today, to celebrate his 7th birthday -- his actual birthday isn't until later in the coming week, but it made more sense to have the party at the weekend. In fact...

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