• A hit with Amazon and Kirkus!

    09 August 2021

    Book 5 of my Archibald Lox series went on sale last week. I've been busy promoting it as best I can, but at the same time I've been busy promoting Book 1 as well, trying to bring the series to the...

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  • Terra Nova fairy garden

    08 August 2021

    The Shan ladies (my daughter Gaia, Mrs Shan and her mother Urszula) went to visit the Terra Nova fairy garden in Limerick earlier this summer. They had an absolutely wonderful time there, and the...

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  • YALC - We’re not in Kansas anymore

    07 August 2021

    For a variety of reasons, it's been a long time since I was out on tour, but while I don't see myself hitting the road again any time in the near future, I DID record a video panel interview...

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  • Blog Tour - Day 5

    06 August 2021



    The first half of my Blog Tour draws to its close today, with a brief breather over the weekend, before picking up again on Monday. Today sees me make two stops, to the...

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  • Irish Examiner interview

    06 August 2021

    There was a cool, lengthy interview with me in the Irish Examiner today, one of Ireland's leading national newspapers. Among other things, I talk about the pandemic and self-publishing, and how...

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  • Blog Tour - Day 4 - title reveal

    05 August 2021



    The fourth day of my blog tour sees the series get a nod on the Book Review Virginia Lee blog. There's no bonus material in today's visit, but it does...

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