• BooKa Uhu’s Book Nook

    BooKa Uhu's Book Nook | 09 September 2012

    Zom-B was sent to me as a proof (ie. A pre-published copy not meant for sale, so it still has a couple of typos, missing illustrations and whatnot. An unpolished product essentially) and in it...

    Read full review: BooKa Uhu’s Book Nook
  • Irish Independent

    Irish Independent | 08 September 2012

    Irish author Darren Shan -- real name Darren O'Shaughnessy -- has had great success with a string of fantasy horror books aimed at the young teen market, starting with the launch in the year 2000...

    Read full review: Irish Independent
  • Books of Amber

    Books of Amber | 06 September 2012

    Full disclosure: I'm a HUGE Darren Shan fan (and a poet, apparently). I've been a fan ever since the final book in The Saga of Darren Shan book was published and I read them all in one go. That's...

    Read full review: Books of Amber
  • Just Another Book Nerd

    Just Another Book Nerd | 03 September 2012

    Lady of the Shades is the first foray into the exciting world of adult fiction by the acclaimed teenage horror writer Darren Shan.


    Those familiar with Shan’s style will notice some fairly...

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  • The Times

    The Times | 01 September 2012

    Darren Shan is best known for his taut books for older teenagers, but he is rapidly proving he has the adult market sewn up too. In Lady of the Shades he brings an American minor thriller author...

    Read full review: The Times
  • The Book Zone

    The Book Zone | 27 August 2012

    Back at the beginning of the year there were three books scheduled for a 2012 release that I was looking forward to reading more than any others. The first to be released, Department 19: The...

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  • Crime Fiction Lover

    Crime Fiction Lover | 25 August 2012

    You’ve got to take your hat off to Darren Shan. His horror/fantasy books for teens are getting boys to read books, even in this age of Xbox, Facebook and Lethal Bizzle. Lady of the Shades,...

    Read full review: Crime Fiction Lover
  • Oodles Of Books

    Oodles Of Books | 22 August 2012

    I wasn't planning on reading this book right now. Sure, it was on my TBR list but it was pushed farther down. I decided to read it though because both my boyfriend and my brother read it in a few...

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  • Books Galore

    Books Galore | 04 August 2012

    Before I write a review I'll tell you a story. I was there when Darren Shan first said he would be doing The Saga of Larten Crepsley . He was doing a small signing/reading/Q&A at a local...

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  • A Reader of Fictions

    A Reader of Fictions | 14 August 2012

    My only prior experience with Darren Shan was the first book in the Cirque du Freak series, which we read for my Young Adult Services class in Library School. I remember mostly enjoying it, but...

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  • Adventures With Words

    Adventures With Words | 31 July 2012

    Can you love a bullying, racist thug if he’s your father?

    Can you love a bullying, racist thug if he’s your father?

    Where do you hide when killer babies invade your dreams?

    How do...

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  • Teen Librarian’s Toolbox

    Teen Librarian's Toolbox | 26 July 2012

    Zom-B is the first book in a new 12 part book series coming out by Darren Shan. Darren Shan is, of course, popular for The Vampire's Assistant and The Demonata series. If you are familiar with...

    Read full review: Teen Librarian’s Toolbox