The eighth book in the series. B and her fellow Angels fight to retake control of New Kikham from the Klu Klux Klan, but that is only the starting point for this devastating entry in the series. Back in London, troubling answers and explosive secrets from Dr Oystein's past will be revealed, while...
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  • Reviews for Zom-B Clans

  • Book Blog Bonanza

    Book Blog Bonanza | 13 December 2014

    So I guess after my review of Zom-B Circus, I don't need to tell you my excitement when I woke up this morning, the next two in the series packages making their slow way to my door. I was gutted...

    Read full review: Book Blog Bonanza
  • The Fireside Table

    The Fireside Table | 30 November 2014

    ZOM-B Clans, the eighth in this epic saga of what will be twelve books, does two things very well:  it develops the origins backstory of the zombie epidemic including some details on the malevolent...

    Read full review: The Fireside Table
  • Fiction Fascination

    Fiction Fascination | 05 September 2014

    As always I love to sink my teeth into Darren Shan's fantastic Zom-B books- they really are my guilty pleasure! This instalment was truly wicked and brought out the twists and turns like never...

    Read full review: Fiction Fascination
  • Tulleruska’s World

    Tulleruska's World | 20 August 2014



    B continues her journey as a revitalized zombie. She fights for humanity, but old prejudices and hatred are still alive among the people.


    This book is as...

    Read full review: Tulleruska’s World
  • Fiction State Of Mind

    Fiction State Of Mind | 12 August 2014

    Another great entry into the Zom-B series. Shan is doing some very important work by incorporating social issues with nail biting horror! In this volume especially because B meets a group of Klan...

    Read full review: Fiction State Of Mind
  • Empire Of Books

    Empire Of Books | 26 July 2014

    I simply cannot begin to explain the frustration and pain that I am going through reading these books! They end on such epic cliffhangers that I am left gasping for the next instalment like a...

    Read full review: Empire Of Books
  • Bookworm Birds

    Bookworm Birds | 18 July 2014

    Zom-B Clans by none other than Master of Horror Darren Shan is the 8th addition to the ongoing Zom-B series which follows B, a young girl turned sentient zombie and her travels and troubles...

    Read full review: Bookworm Birds
  • Reviewer’s Digest

    Reviewer's Digest | 12 July 2014

    Zom-B Clans. Book eight of twelve of Darren Shan’s zombie apocalypse series. Meaning, in another year, we will know the story’s conclusion. And it had better be some ending after all these...

    Read full review: Reviewer’s Digest
  • So Many Books, So Little Time

    So Many Books, So Little Time | 07 July 2014

    With each instalment of this series I wonder how Darren Shan can possibly through in any more shocks, twists and turns, but he did it again in Zom-B Clans.


    In the eighth book in the Zom-B...

    Read full review: So Many Books, So Little Time
  • The Bookbag

    The Bookbag | 06 July 2014

    This is the eighth - yes, eighth! - book in Shan's zombie series. We last saw sentient zombie B Smith when she and her fellow revitalised were about to try to save the town of New Kirkham from a...

    Read full review: The Bookbag
  • Dark Readers

    Dark Readers | 03 July 2014

    So any one that knows me knows I've been up and down with this series, but as I've maintained, with hindsight (and a beautiful thing it is) it all comes together and works well as a series. What...

    Read full review: Dark Readers