• Edinburgh summary

    23 August 2019

    I had a lovely time at the Edinburgh Book Festival yesterday. I started with a school event, playing to a packed house in the main theatre -- 750 excited kids from various schools. School events at...

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  • Last shout-out for Edinburgh

    22 August 2019

    It's Thursday, August 22nd, 2019. At 5.30pm I'll be appearing at the Edinburgh International Book Festival for the 20th year in a row. I've posted about it extensively over the last few weeks,...

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  • Edinburgh ahoy!

    21 August 2019

    I fly to Edinburgh this morning for my events at the International Book Festival tomorrow. It's the 20th year in a row that I've appeared there, which is quite a remarkable achievement, even is I...

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  • Hungarian vending machine Freak

    20 August 2019

    I have a very strong fan base in Hungary, especially for my vampire series, and Cirque Du Freak was recently chosen to be released in a vending machine edition.


    "Vending machine edition?" you...

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  • Courageous Nerd

    19 August 2019

    There was a very nice article over on the Courageous Nerd blog recently, looking at my career and how it has impacted on a budding young author's decision to chase their own writing dream. It's #4...

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  • Shans in the sun

    18 August 2019

    The Shans have been on holiday in Mallorca the past week and a half, where things have been mighty toasty! But before we headed for the sun, we spent a day at our local beach in Ireland,...

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