• Irish Book Awards

    13 November 2011

    If you're Irish, this is the last day (Sunday 13th) that you can vote for "Ocean of Blood" in the Irish Book Awards. If you haven't done so already, please vote for it now, and ask any of your...

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  • Farewell Old Friend

    08 November 2011

    This day last week I bid my final farewell to an old friend of mine -- a certain orange-haired vampire who went by the name of Larten Crepsley! On November 1st I did my final bit of editing on...

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  • Zom-B in the USA!!!

    31 October 2011

    My American publishers, LittleBrown, have bought the rights to my “Zom-B” series!!! They will be publishing all 12 books at the same time that they come out in the UK, starting in September or...

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  • All done on first!

    28 October 2011

    Today I finished the first draft of the twelfth and final book in my Zom-B series. (I've been referring to it as Zom-B 12 on my Twitter, but of course that's not the actual name -- I won't be...

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  • October 28th Radio Documentary

    24 October 2011

    There will be a lengthy (approx 20 minutes) Limerick Lives Documentary about me on Live 95FM on Friday 28th October just after the 11.00am news on the Joe Nash show. If you live in the Limerick...

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  • It’s good to be bad!

    23 October 2011

    Had a nice few days in London. Met with the editor of my "Zom-B" series for the first time, and we clicked straight away. It's always good to have a close working relationship with your editor --...

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