• Never let the bullies win!

    03 February 2012

    I received the following email from a librarian in Wyoming today:


    Our school is currently considered junior high school grades 7-9, but next year we will have only grades 7-8.  We are...

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  • My celebrity stalker!

    13 January 2012

    Help!! I'm being stalked by Jacqueline Wilson!!! She seems to follow me everywhere I go, to the theatre, underground on the Tube... is there to be no escape for poor, unfortunate Darren Shan?!?!?...

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  • Some of my favourite things… in 2011

    08 January 2012

    Although I included a quick round-up of work-related highlights from 2011 in the January issue of the Shanville Monthly, I didn't talk about any of my cultural highlights of the year. So here...

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  • The Forgotten Blogger

    01 January 2012

    Happy New Year, everybody! And welcome to my first blog of 2012 -- and, if my recent blogging schedule is anything to go by, it will quite possibly be one of a rare breed this year!! I'm well...

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  • Shanta Claus!!

    21 December 2011

    My Shanta Claus story, which I post for a week or two every Christmas, is online NOW!! I plan to remove it again before the New Year, so hurry on and read it quickly before you miss this year's...

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  • Better than you think

    25 November 2011

    I've been busy editing all 12 of the "Zom-B" books over the last few weeks. I've finished first drafts of all 12 books already, but I like to spread the editing process out over a few years,...

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