Belfast and Paris (Tennessee!) schools
09 May 2022I did two online school events last week, one with De La Salle College in Belfast, Northern Ireland, the other with E W Grove School in Paris, Tennessee, in the United States. Here are some photos...
March of the Shans
08 May 2022Like pretty much everyone else in Ireland, the Shan kids dressed in green for St Patrick's Day on March 17th, as you can see in the first photo!
Not content with just wearing a green top, Gaia...
The Saga of Anicka
07 May 2022I mentioned The Saga Of Larten Crepsley series in yesterday's post (for those who don't know, I wrote four books about Mr Crepsley, covering the two hundred years of his life before he met Darren...
Festival of memes
06 May 2022I always enjoy seeing memes that refer to my books, and the busiest meme-maker on Twitter over the last year or so is a user with the handle -- Festival Of The Undead. "Festie" has created what...
More Tunbridge Wells photos
05 May 2022Lots of fans who came to my event at Tunbridge Wells last weekend have posted photos online, so I figured I'd share a few more today.
That's Soph getting strangled in the first snap. I did tell...
The Shanville Monthly - better late than never!
04 May 2022I normally post my monthly online newsletter at the very start of every month, but I'm running a few days late this month -- apologies! Blame it on my having to fly to the UK for an event at the...