• Four faces of Darren

    27 February 2021

    One of the things I've often said over the years, when predicting that books will continue to thrive, even though we live in an age when we have so many other forms of entertainment, is that they...

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  • “Pop quiz, hotshot!!”

    26 February 2021

    A little Friday quiz, shared with me by an ex-student of Copley Academy in the UK, who spotted it on the school's web site. Very simple -- ten photos of well known authors... ten names... match the...

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  • Limerick Voice podcast - Treasures series

    25 February 2021

    I was recently interviewed by Katie Flannery, part of the Limerick Voice team, for a podcast in their Limerick Treasures series. It's a long audio interview, just over thirty-seven minutes, in...

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  • A demonic birthday cake

    24 February 2021

    A few months back, a fan of my books called Morgan decided to celebrate her birthday by making a cake with her granny, inspired by my Demonata books. I think you'll all agree that they did an...

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  • Follow the N17 to the Cirque Du Freak

    23 February 2021

    A young Irish singer called Tolu Makay made a big impression on New Year's Eve. She covered an old song called N17 by The Saw Doctors (a song which I love, incidentally, and often play, especially...

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  • A Wheely Big review!

    22 February 2021

    There was a short and sweet video review of Cirque Du Freak recently, by a young man called Noah over on a Facebook page called Our Wheely Big Journey, which is about about the ups and downs of...

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