• The absent Queen

    03 July 2024

    A fan called RYAN sent me an email recently, raving about my Archibald Lox series, and ending with a question about the books:


    "I wanted to ask you about Archibald Lox. This was the first...

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  • Fan Art Friday - Zero in the Lake of Souls

    28 June 2024

    It's Fan Art Friday time again -- probably my favourite posting day of the week!!


    An artistic fan called ZERO -- their Twitter handle is @Charlie0_4869 -- is nearing the end of my Saga Of...

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  • Finicky Finnish review

    27 June 2024

    A Finnish blogger reviewed my Saga Of Darren Shan / Cirque Du Freak series last year. It wasn't an entirely gushing review, with the blogger highlighting what, in their view, were some weaknesses,...

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  • Brimington School

    26 June 2024

    I did an online event with a class of kids at Brimington Junior School last week, and their teacher sent me the following letter a few days later. What a lovely response!! It's always amazing to...

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  • Fan mail that warms my heart

    24 June 2024

    Back in the day I used to get lots of letters and lengthy emails from fans of my books. That's changed with social media, as most of you now contact me via Facebook or Twitter, where your messages...

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  • Demonata audio books recap

    19 June 2024

    I seem to get asked about audio books for The Demonata every other day! I've summarised before, but here's the skinny again for those who missed it previously...


    The first 6 books were released...

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