• Potter and YA in the noughties

    07 August 2024

    There was an interesting article on COURAGEOUS NERD a while back (OK -- quite a long time back! July last year in fact!!), looking at YA fiction of the early noughties, and how the Harry Potter...

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  • The Belgariad influence

    05 August 2024

    A fan of mine called JAY emailed me recently to say:


    "I’ve just started reading The Belgariad series and saw your quote in the front of the book. I’ve been a massive fan of your books for some...

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  • Archibald Lox Vol 1 Kobo sale

    02 August 2024

    To tie in with a Kobo promotional sale, for the entire month of August, the eBook of Volume One of my Archibald Lox series will be reduced to just $0.99!!! It will be a similar low price around the...

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