Cirque Du Spencer
18 July 2019As part of a school assignment, a fan called Spencer had to illustrate a three page comic strip based on a scene from one of his favourite books. He decided to take on Cirque Du Freak, when Darren...
Sales’ end
17 July 2019"A well-written and disturbing piece of fiction that explores relationships and delves into the deepest corners of the human mind. The plot reads like an international horror movie, enticing the...
Tattoo Tuesday
16 July 2019It's Tattoo Tuesday time again, and this one was sent to me by a fan called Thessa, who went with my most famed (and most tattooed) quote, "Even in death may you be triumphant," but did so with...
July competition winners
15 July 2019The winners of the July Shanville Monthly competition, who each win a signed Demonata poster, are, in the order drawn...
Allison Wong, UK.
Lexine Higgins, UK.
Igor Mihajlovic, Canada.
Sunburn sale
15 July 2019"I cannot go on enough about the book, how great it is and how entertaining. This is an author who knows how to make the readers laugh, cry and scream in terror. To call this a must-read is an...
Optimus Dante
14 July 2019My son Dante finished up at Montessori (pre-school) at the end of June. Shortly before term wrapped, his lovely teacher Mary arranged for a face-painter to come in and transform the children into...