• Back from holiday!

    26 September 2010

    Hi all -- remember me?!? Sorry for the extra long absence, but I've been away on holiday, and was just having too darn good a time to blog!! (Though I did tweet a bit!) Bas and I went to the...

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  • Who does Philip Pullman think he is?!?

    14 September 2010

    Phlip Pullman was quoted in The Telegraph a few days denouncing the use of the present tense by modern-day writers. For the full article, CLICK HERE. Now, Mr Pullman, is entitled to his view the...

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  • Notes of intent

    13 September 2010

    I wrote up my notes for Birth of a Killer today. For those who might not be aware, I write up author's notes of all of my books, which can be found in the Books section of my site. All you have...

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  • 9/11 remembered

    11 September 2010

    I did my final full edit of Ocean of Blood, the second of the four The Saga Of Larten Crepsley books, on Thursday and Friday. This was my last chance to make any substantial changes, but...

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  • Another cat in the bag!

    08 September 2010

    Wrapped up the first draft of the new book today -- which, for those of you who haven't been paying VERY close attention, is book 7 of a new series which will hopefully see print at some point...

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  • Full speed ahead!

    06 September 2010

    It's been pretty much non-stop on the writing front since my last blog! I took a day off on Saturday, but otherwise I've been hammering away at the new book, even putting in a full day on Sunday....

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