• Freaks of Nature

    10 June 2019

    No prizes for guessing what dessert range is currently all the rage with the cast and crew of the Cirque Du Freak!!! I wonder if Mr Tall is perhaps one of this company's board members... :-)


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  • Sunday with the Shans

    09 June 2019

    I wouldn't say we're TV addicts in the Shan household, but the photographic evidence suggests otherwise... Gaia will probably be able to operate a remote control before she can walk or talk... :-)...

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  • Cosplay ii

    08 June 2019

    A fan called Kagamitori recently Cosplayed as the character of Darren Shan from the Cirque Du Freak, as visualized in the manga adaptation of the books. I think Kagamitori did a great job, and...

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  • Cosplay i

    07 June 2019

    A fan called Kagamitori recently Cosplayed as the character of Darren Shan from the Cirque Du Freak, as visualized in the manga adaptation of the books. I think Kagamitori did a great job, and...

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  • The rough with the smooth

    06 June 2019

    A fan called Anne shared the following post with me today. It's a lovely, emotionally touching email, so I'm going to say little here today, except for "Thanks, Anne!" and let it speak for itself....

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  • Frankie says…

    05 June 2019

    Italian blogger Frankie is still diligently working their way through all twelve of my Saga Of Darren Shan / Cirque Du Freak books, and writing a review of each book in turn. Frankie recently...

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