• New Zom-B Underground review

    13 September 2019

    There was a new review for the second book in my Zom-B series, Zom-B Underground, over on the Wonderoes blog recently. It was a very nice, positive review, and I liked how the reviewer noted that...

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  • Hugs all round!

    12 September 2019

    Please don't think I'm being a big ol' meanie who's trying to make you cry. I'm not, honest. I just think that this meme, shared with me on Twitter recently by mistress-of-the-Shan-meme Vampire...

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  • Fan fave fan art

    11 September 2019

    We all like fan art here, don't we?


    And I think a lot of us especially like it when it's fan art of Mr Crepsley, right?


    So I'm going to share this image that was sent to me by a fan called...

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  • Tattoo Tuesday

    10 September 2019

    We're on a bit of a Tattoo Tuesday roll at the moment, and I'm delighted to keep it going with this week's submission by a fan called Esme. It features the logo from the UK editions of The Demonata...

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  • Say what, now?!?

    09 September 2019

    A fan of my Demonata books recently queried the pronunciation of Grubbs Grady's real first name -- Grubitsh. She had been pronouncing it Grub-its for year, had been challenged over it by a friend,...

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  • Summer holidays

    08 September 2019

    The Shan clan decamped to Mallorca for ten days last month, on our summer vacation. We stayed in a very nice hotel with its own water park, because we thought Dante would love the slides, although...

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