• Listverse - finding the right balance

    05 December 2022

    There was an article on LISTVERSE a while back called "10 Popular Book Series That Didn’t Make It Past The First Film," which focused on... oh, I think you can guess!!!



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  • Natural History Museum Shananigans

    04 December 2022

    Back in the summer, the Shans went to the Natural History Museum in London -- somewhere I've visited many times over the years, and never yet tired of.


    The first photo captures Mrs Shan and our...

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  • Letters from Shanville

    02 December 2022

    I've always appreciated the time, effort and expense that it takes to send a letter to an author, so I've always made a point of replying to every piece of physical fan mail that I've received over...

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  • Shanville Monthly - Christmas 2022 issue

    01 December 2022

    The Christmas issue of my online monthly newsletter is now live, and it's crammed full of articles that I hope you'll enjoy, such as...


    *an exclusive (and long-overdue) interview with Paul...

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  • Busy bookshelves

    30 November 2022

    It's the end of the month, so let's treat ourselves to some photos taken by proud Shansters of their bookshelves! These always go down well with my followers -- I think us bookworms are all a bit...

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  • Larten Karaoke

    29 November 2022

    A Tweeter called Ronnie slipped an interesting question my way earlier today:

    "If Larten Crepsley does karaoke, does he allow himself to use contractions while singing or does he insist on singing...

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