• November weekend Memes

    18 November 2022

    Who fancies some Shantastic MEMES for the weekend?!?

    First up we have one of Lord Loss, courtesy of CORY (and Stranger Things!!!).

    Second we have one of Darren, courtesy of BRADLEYSTRETCHSOUP...

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  • Getting Medieval

    17 November 2022

    I've never written a book set in Medieval times, so at first I was rather confused when I was sent a link informing me that one of my books had been picked in an article on the TOR NIGHTFIRE site,...

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  • A Change of Heart

    16 November 2022

    Should I be worried that I just read a story that I wrote but can't remember writing?!?


    Somebody recently linked to a short story of mine in reply to a Facebook post. It's called A Change Of...

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  • Going… going…

    15 November 2022

    It's going... it's going... it's... ALMOST gone!!!

    If you live in the UK or Ireland, and if you have a NETFLIX subscription, and if you'd like to watch the Cirque Du Freak movie, you have until...

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  • My Top 10 film list

    14 November 2022

    I was talking about my favourite movies a while back, and decided it would be nice to share my list of Top Ten Films. For many years I used to write short reviews for every film that I saw, and...

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  • Shan collections

    14 November 2022

    I love me a good, stonking Darren Shan collection!! And judging by the feedback whenever I share photos of Shan fans' collections, so do you guys!!! So here are four more foe us all to ooh and ahh...

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