• Tattoo Tuesday - Maria

    12 July 2022

    It's another Tattoo Tuesday, and today's offering comes to us courtesy of a fan called Maria.


    Maria opted for my most-tattooed of quotes, and managed to get it done in my handwriting. A brave...

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  • On the beach in Clonakilty

    10 July 2022

    Back over the Easter break in April, the Shans went on a short holiday to Clonakilty in County Cork in Ireland. We enjoyed some lovely weather while we were there (a rarity at any time in Ireland,...

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  • Zom-B fan art by Liv

    09 July 2022

    Yesterday's post about the B Smith Scary Faerie reminded me that I had some Zom-B fan art to share, all by a fan called Liv, so I figured this was as good a time as any to traumatize -- I mean...

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  • Gary’s Scary Faeries

    08 July 2022

    Now here's something you don't see everyday -- B Smith as a Scary Faerie!!!


    A gentleman called Gary, who runs a crafts and hobby shop in Western Ireland, got in touch with me to ask me if he...

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  • Wandering Through Worlds

    07 July 2022

    Back in the run-up to last Halloween, a vlogger called Wandering Through Worlds set out to re-read the Saga Of Darren Shan (aka the Cirque Du Freak series) in a week and post her thoughts about...

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  • The Pick of a Connoisseur

    06 July 2022

    Archibald Lox and the Pick of Loxes (book 8 of the series) went on sale last month, and (no pun intended!!) picked up a glowing review from The Literary Connoisseur. The Connoisseur has been a...

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