• Hungarian vending machine Freak

    20 August 2019

    I have a very strong fan base in Hungary, especially for my vampire series, and Cirque Du Freak was recently chosen to be released in a vending machine edition.


    "Vending machine edition?" you...

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  • Courageous Nerd

    19 August 2019

    There was a very nice article over on the Courageous Nerd blog recently, looking at my career and how it has impacted on a budding young author's decision to chase their own writing dream. It's #4...

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  • Shans in the sun

    18 August 2019

    The Shans have been on holiday in Mallorca the past week and a half, where things have been mighty toasty! But before we headed for the sun, we spent a day at our local beach in Ireland,...

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  • A defibrillation for the adult mind

    17 August 2019

    While I usually highlight articles that relate to Darren Shan on this page -- since it is, after all, a Darren Shan page -- I also like to sometimes just link to things that caught my attention and...

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  • Top 5 Book Geordie books

    16 August 2019

    I've always been a fan of Top 5 and Top 10 lists, whether they're to do with books, films, bands, albums, etc -- it's interesting to see how people rate and rank things, and if nothing else, they...

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  • Just one week to go!

    15 August 2019

    Fans who are planning to come see in Edinburgh this year should be getting excited, because there's just ONE WEEK left until my event at the Edinburgh Book Festival on Thursday 22nd August at...

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