• No Shaving zone!

    06 February 2023

    Today was a bank holiday in Ireland (for St Brigid's Day), so my kids were off school. Mrs Shan and I decided to take them swimming, as they both love splashing about and are really strong...

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  • Zero time - part 2

    04 February 2023

    An artistically talented Shanster called ZERO drew a lot of pieces based on the first few books of my Cirque Du Freak series last year. Each one was quite minimalistic, and the same plain shade,...

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  • Getting an agent

    03 February 2023

    Following yesterday's post, in which I talked about vanity publishing versus self-publishing versus traditional publishing, I had a few queries from people wanting to know how to go about getting...

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  • Publishing advice

    02 February 2023

    A fan got in touch with me today to ask the following question: "I am about to publish my own work and I was wondering did you have to pay something to get your work published? or am I being...

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  • New Shanville Monthly - February 2023

    01 February 2023

    It's the start of a new month, which of course means... a new issue of my online monthly newsletter!!! (#271 for anyone who's counting.)


    This month, for your delectation, I explain how you can...

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