• Drawings of Darren and Steve

    15 January 2022

    Darren Shan and Steve Leopard... best of friends... most bitter of enemies.


    I always saw them as two sides of the same coin. They're both to some extent projected images of myself, examples of...

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  • An editor’s tears

    14 January 2022

    I sent Volume 3 (the final volume) of my Archibald Lox series to my editor, Zoe, at the start of this month. Although I'll be breaking it down to release as three short books, I wrote the story arc...

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  • Kilnhurst & Co.

    13 January 2022

    I did my first online schools event of 2022 on Monday, with a load of students from Kilnhurst Primary School, Swinton Queen Primary School, and a couple of others in the South Yorkshire region of...

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  • Freaky YouTube reviews

    12 January 2022

    I always like it when fans review my books via the medium of video, through a site like YouTube. Written reviews tend to more concisely and carefully represent the writer's thoughts, but there's a...

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  • Tattoo Tuesday, Spanish-style!

    11 January 2022

    It's another Tattoo Tuesday in Shanville, but this one is both an old familiar AND a Tattoo Tuesday first!!


    This particular tattoo was shared with me by a fan of my books called Enke, who lives...

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  • Mr Crepsley’s birthday is WHEN?!?

    10 January 2022

    The thorny issue of Mr Crepsley's BIRTHDAY raised its head on Twitter last week!!


    A fan with the user handle @1Larten posted a screenshot from a Darren Shan fandom site, listing his birth date...

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