Zom-B fan art by Liv
09 July 2022Yesterday's post about the B Smith Scary Faerie reminded me that I had some Zom-B fan art to share, all by a fan called Liv, so I figured this was as good a time as any to traumatize -- I mean...
Gary’s Scary Faeries
08 July 2022Now here's something you don't see everyday -- B Smith as a Scary Faerie!!!
A gentleman called Gary, who runs a crafts and hobby shop in Western Ireland, got in touch with me to ask me if he...
Wandering Through Worlds
07 July 2022Back in the run-up to last Halloween, a vlogger called Wandering Through Worlds set out to re-read the Saga Of Darren Shan (aka the Cirque Du Freak series) in a week and post her thoughts about...
The Pick of a Connoisseur
06 July 2022Archibald Lox and the Pick of Loxes (book 8 of the series) went on sale last month, and (no pun intended!!) picked up a glowing review from The Literary Connoisseur. The Connoisseur has been a...
Tattoo Tuesday - Ashton
05 July 2022It's Tattoo Tuesday time again, and today's amazing image comes to us courtesy of a fan called Ashton, who decided to pay homage to their favourite Darren Shan book... The Thin Executioner!!!
What next for Darren Shan?!?
04 July 2022With the final book of my Archibald Lox series due to see print later this month (July 26th), I've already had a few fans asking the question that I get whenever I draw near the end of a lengthy...