• All the types of vampires

    19 January 2023

    A YouTuber called James Tullos posted a video a while back called All The Types Of Vampires, in which he... um... talked about all the different types of vampires!! :-) (Thanks to Shanster Adrian...

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  • Fave movies and TV shows of 2022

    18 January 2023

    A week or so ago I posted about the best books I had read in 2022. So I thought it would be nice to provide a companion post, listing my favourite movies and TV shows from last year, but that's...

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  • Favourite ending

    17 January 2023

    A Tweeter with the handle @MetalZero2023 posted this comment earlier today:


    "I’ve just finished reading Zom-B Goddess by @darrenshan. The ending made me really happy and also a bit emotional. I...

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  • Reviews That Burn - Hunters trilogy

    16 January 2023

    A reviewer on REVIEWS THAT BURN, which is an offshoot of the Books That Burn podcast, has been working their way through my Saga Of Darren Shan / Cirque Du Freak series, reviewing each book in...

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  • The strange Shans

    15 January 2023

    Why DO we Shans have such a strange affinity for largely unloved creatures?!? I'm not sure what the answer is, but there's no doubt that we do, as evidenced by these photos of myself and my...

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  • Young Larten

    14 January 2023

    Readers of my Cirque Du Freak books will be more than familiar with Mr Crepsley, and I'm sure they, like I, will usually picture him as a scowling, two hundred year old grump of a vampire whenever...

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