• Gaia’s REAL first trip to the cinema

    30 January 2022

    Although Mrs Shan and I took our daughter Gaia to the cinema a few times when she was a baby (the Odeon cinema in Limerick used to have a special screening once a week, where parents could come...

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  • WOMBO: First Blood Part II

    29 January 2022

    If today's post was a movie title, it would be... WOMBO: First Blood Part II


    A few weeks back I posted some images that had been created on WOMBO, a computer program that generates art based on...

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  • End of January memes

    28 January 2022

    It's almost the end of what often feels like the longest, gloomiest month of the year, so let's brighten things up and head into the weekend chuckling on the back of some rib-tickling Darren Shan...

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  • The Magic of Stephen King

    27 January 2022

    The Magic of Stephen King is a half-hour show put together by David McCracken, the host of The Stephen Kingdom, which aired on YouTube last Halloween. It's a fun piece about Stephen King, why his...

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  • Scholarly feedback!

    26 January 2022

    There was a lovely write-up on the web site of the White Woods Primary Academy Trust, describing what happened when I did an online event with a few of their schools a couple of weeks ago. It's...

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  • Another Spanish-style Tattoo Tuesday!

    25 January 2022

    A couple of weeks ago, I featured what I believe was the first ever Spanish-language tattoo based on a quote from one of my books that I've shared in a Tattoo Tuesday post. Well, we haven't had to...

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