• Life is like a butterfly

    05 September 2021

    Last year Mrs Shan ordered a Butterfly Garden kit, where you get sent a mesh container and some small caterpillars, which quickly grow into quite big caterpillars, who then spin cocoons and...

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  • Quadruple Fleck

    04 September 2021

    A lot of people assume that the character of Darren Shan in Cirque Du Freak is based directly on myself, since we share the same name. (Although, of course, Darren Shan is no more my real name that...

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  • Gory Corey interview

    03 September 2021

    Does this boy look old enough to you to be reading The Demonata?!?


    No, I didn't think so either! :-) So when his dad contacted me last year to ask if I thought they would be appropriate reads,...

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  • CDF movie on Amazon Prime

    02 September 2021

    If you're an Amazon Prime Video subscriber in the USA, you might be interested to hear that the Cirque Du Freak movie can now be watched for FREE on Amazon Prime. It started streaming on the...

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  • Archibald Lox and the Rubicon Dictate on sale NOW!

    01 September 2021



    The "summer of Shan" concludes this month with the release of Archibald Lox and the Rubicon Dictate, book 6 of my newest series, which goes on sale TODAY, as...

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  • This Dream’s Alive

    31 August 2021

    Tomorrow marks the start of another month, and another new book by Darren Shan! Archibald Lox and the Rubicon Dictate will be my third new release in as many months, and will bring to an end the...

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