• Crossword puzzle and word search

    17 September 2021

    My Grandad on my Mum's side used to love Crossword Puzzles -- I still often think of him fondly, when I spot a thick crossword puzzle book in a shop. And my Dad enjoys a good Word Search puzzle --...

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  • Books, Films and Random locksmiths

    16 September 2021

    Book 6 of my Archibald Lox series went on sale at the start of this month. It brings the second volume story arc to a nice, tight close -- my aim with the three volumes in this series was to write...

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  • Children In Read 2021

    15 September 2021

    Children In Need is a massive, joyous, annual event in the UK, a telethon that raises huge sums for charities. Some years ago, someone had the so-obvious-why-has-no-one-thought-of-it-before idea of...

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  • Tattoo Tuesday - Morgan

    14 September 2021

    The latest Shanster to join the hallowed ranks of those featured on a Tattoo Tuesday post is called MORGAN, who went for this full-blooded recreation of the UK hardback cover for Lord Loss --...

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  • HaguroGONE!

    13 September 2021

    I wrote a short story called "Hagurosan" many years ago for the War Child anthology, "Kids' Night In". It used to be on my site, to read for free, but several years later, the publishers Barrington...

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  • Wobbly and steep

    12 September 2021

    The Shans spent a week on holiday in Cork earlier in the summer, a trip from which these four photos originated.


    The first was taken in Cobh, a harbour town that was close to our hotel. It's a...

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