• Audible - Cirque Du FREE!

    30 August 2021

    I shared a Facebook post before the weekend, in which an excited Shanster informed me that all twelve audio books in my Cirque Du Freak series are currently FREE to download on Audible. Now, it...

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  • Craggaunowen 2021

    29 August 2021

    Earlier in the summer, the Shans headed for Craggaunowen on a day trip, as we do at least once pretty much every year. Craggaunowen is a Celtic theme park, with recreations of what this part of the...

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  • Four faces of Grubbs Grady

    28 August 2021

    I'm making Grubbs Grady the star of this Fan Art Saturday post, with four VERY different takes on him by four different fans. (This is partly why I love books so much. With films, TV shows, video...

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  • Memes Festival

    27 August 2021

    I love when fans create memes based on my books. We all need a good chuckle, especially during times such as these, and it tickles me when my work is the source of such jollities. :-)


    One fan...

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  • Octocon 2021

    26 August 2021

    I'm delighted to confirm that I'll be participating in Octocon 2021 at the start of October. Octocon is the National Irish Science Fiction Convention, a celebration of books, comics, TV, films and...

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  • Archie triple bill of reviews

    25 August 2021

    This day next week, Archibald Lox and the Rubicon Dictate goes on sale. It's book 6 in the series, and the final book in the Volume 2 trilogy. (There will be one more Volume next year, again made...

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