• Two faces of Hagurosan

    26 April 2023

    Yesterday I posted a photo of a list of my books which a fan with the Twitter handle of ChaosPixie The Bookworm had created, to help her track down all of my books. She'd just managed to track down...

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  • A Shantastic list

    25 April 2023

    As a very prolific author, I know it can be difficult keeping up with all my books. Quite part from the expense of buying them, there's almost the not-so-minor matter of simply figuring out just...

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  • Final reminder of Archie Vol 1 sale

    24 April 2023

    As I said in a post last week, the ebook of Archibald Lox Volume 1: The Missing Princess was chosen to feature in a Barnes & Noble promotion -- 500 ebooks Under $5. To tie in with the promo, I...

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  • Waiting for Babcia

    23 April 2023

    Shortly after Christmas, BABCIA -- Mrs Shan's mother -- flew home to spend a couple of weeks with us. We call her Babcia because that's the Polish for Grandmother, and she comes from a Polish...

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  • Zero time - part 4

    22 April 2023

    I've featured quite a few sketches by a fan called ZERO over the last couple of months. Here are four more.


    The first dates back to The Vampire's Assistant, book 2 of my Saga Of Darren Shan /...

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  • Three memes on the same theme

    21 April 2023

    For your delight and delectation... a trio of memes, all courtesy of a Tweeter called FESTIE, and all variations on the same theme. The first is Kurda, the second is Mr Crepsley, the third is...

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