• Archie Vol 1 B&N SALE

    18 April 2023

    The ebook of Archibald Lox Volume 1: The Missing Princess has been chosen to feature in a Barnes & Noble promotion -- 500 Under $5. As you'll have surely gathered from the title, it's a gathering...

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  • Renfield & co

    17 April 2023

    I haven't seen Renfield -- the latest Dracula-inspired movie -- yet, but the trailer looks fun, so I'll certainly catch it at some point, thbough probably on my TV rather than in the cinema.



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  • Christmas snaps on a hot April day

    16 April 2023

    It's the hottest day of the year so far here in Ireland, so let's celebrate it with some... Christmas photographs!!!! :-) :-) :-)


    These were all taken in the run-up to Christmas last year. The...

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  • Moonage Daydream

    15 April 2023

    I watched Moonage Daydream, the "cinematic odyssey" David Bowie movie. As a huge fan of 35 or so years, I enjoyed it, though would have preferred a more in-depth, less scattershot approach. But it...

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  • Archibald Lox hardbacks

    13 April 2023

    I was shocked last month to hear that online behemoth Book Depository is to close for business on April 26th. I always saw it as a worthy competitor to Amazon. You could often find great bargains...

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  • Flaming Hypothermia

    11 April 2023

    I've always dreamed of being a rock star. I love writing, of course, and that was my first choice of what to do with my life, and it was also the career to which I was best suited - I'm a good...

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