• More Tunbridge Wells photos

    05 May 2022

    Lots of fans who came to my event at Tunbridge Wells last weekend have posted photos online, so I figured I'd share a few more today.


    That's Soph getting strangled in the first snap. I did tell...

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  • The Shanville Monthly - better late than never!

    04 May 2022

    I normally post my monthly online newsletter at the very start of every month, but I'm running a few days late this month -- apologies! Blame it on my having to fly to the UK for an event at the...

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  • Archibald Lox - Book 7 cover reveal

    02 May 2022

    Surprise surprise!! It's a COVER REVEAL!!!


    This is the cover for book 7 of my Archibald Lox series, which will be going on sale later this month, probably on May 24th.


    I'm still in the...

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  • Tunbridge Wells report

    01 May 2022

    I had an absolute BLAST in Tunbridge Wells yesterday!! It was my first in-the-flesh event in almost three years, and I hadn't realised how much I missed that interaction with a live audience. I...

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  • Fan art for a reverse retrospective

    30 April 2022

    I'm doing an event at the Tunbridge Wells Literary Festival in England today, in which I'll be performing a "reverse career retrospective" -- i.e. I'll be reading extracts from my four major YA...

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  • Less than 24 hours till Tunbridge Wells!

    29 April 2022

    In less than 24 hours I will be doing my first public event and signing in England in SIX YEARS!! And it will be my first ANYWHERE in almost three years!!


    The time -- 2pm, on Saturday April...

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