• Tor.Com

    Tor.Com | 29 October 2012

    Lady of the Shades has been a long time coming. In a pointed postscript tacked on to the short horror novel we’re going to talk about today, bestselling young adult author Darren Shan...

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  • Manga Maniac Cafe

    Manga Maniac Cafe | 29 October 2012

    This is the first Darren Shan novel that I have read (I have read some graphic novel adaptations previously), and despite some reservations, I enjoyed it very much. ZOM-B kept me happily...

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  • Tampa Bay Times

    Tampa Bay Times | 28 October 2012

    Zom-B (Little, Brown) by Darren Shan is first in an energetically grisly new series by the author of Cirque du Freak and other internationally bestselling YA series; this time, a girl named B...

    Read full review: Tampa Bay Times
  • Editor’s Article

    Editor's Article | 28 October 2012

    Zom-B was constructed like a classic horror movie, it had the quiet unsuspecting youth, the evil mad-man doctor, and best of all; It had Zombies. Brain Munching, skin decaying zombies. Just how...

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  • Into Geek

    Into Geek | 26 October 2012

    I've seen a few negative reviews for this book and I have to make the point that I am reviewing this in context. It's the first of a 12 book series, with each book telling part of the story. As a...

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  • Into Geek

    Into Geek | 26 October 2012

    This is one of Darren Shan's adult books and it feels very different to the children's work. It revolves around Ed, a horror writer who comes to London to work on a new book, with his own...

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  • Horrorbug

    Horrorbug | 26 October 2012

    Darren Shan’s book ‘Zom-B’ is a light and quick read, targeted towards younger horror fans, illustrated with a set of raw minimalistic comic book style drawings, and definitely worth reading even...

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  • The Busy Bibliophile

    The Busy Bibliophile | 23 October 2012

    Holy unexpected plot twists, Batman! I read an ARC of Zom-B, and the first page of the book is a note from Darren Shan, encouraging reviewers to be very careful not to spoil any surprises when...

    Read full review: The Busy Bibliophile
  • Hooked On Books

    Hooked On Books | 22 October 2012

    The entire time I was reading this book all I could think was one thing. And I know some people with disagree with me, but this is honestly 100% how I feel about this book in one sentence: This...

    Read full review: Hooked On Books
  • Book Sp(l)ot

    Book Sp(l)ot | 22 October 2012

    London's news coverage is filled with reports of zombie attacks in Ireland. People there are being murdered and eaten by zombies that fill the streets at night. B's mother is, of course,...

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  • Worcester News

    Worcester News | 20 October 2012



    From the prologue of Darren Shan's Zom-B - a gruesomely described zombie attack in an Irish village - one senses that the first book in the Irish-based writer's...

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  • Readingjunky’s Reading Roost

    Readingjunky's Reading Roost | 20 October 2012

    Darren Shan has done it again. He has a new series; this time the subject is zombies. Book #1 ZOM-B already has a waiting list in my classroom.


    B and his friends and family are hearing...

    Read full review: Readingjunky’s Reading Roost