• So Many Books, So Little Time

    So Many Books, So Little Time | 08 November 2012

    I went in to Zom-B not really having any idea what I was in for. You see, I’ve never read anything by Darren Shan before. But it still managed t completely surprise me.


    My first impressions...

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  • Books and Writers JNR

    Books and Writers JNR | 07 November 2012

    The master of Horror is back, ditching the vampires for Zombies! (Or should I say Zom-B’s?)


    B Smith is a slightly naughty, misbehaving teenager. B’s dad is a racist thug who takes pleasure...

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  • Nyx Books Reviews

    Nyx Books Reviews | 07 November 2012

    As the Demonata series progresses, it becomes ever more complicated and interesting. It also becomes more gross and imaginative.


    The story of Demon Apocalypse starts directly after the...

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  • Justin’s Book Blog

    Justin's Book Blog | 02 November 2012

    I am not really a fan of Horror books.. It's just never been something that I really enjoyed. However, when I saw Zom-B I thought it sounded pretty interesting. I've been watching a show with...

    Read full review: Justin’s Book Blog
  • KellyVision

    KellyVision | 01 November 2012

    B’s life is kind of awful—Dad hits Mom on a regular basis and B has to pry them apart and try and make things better. So it’s probably no surprise that B is the surliest teenager you’d ever meet,...

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  • Jenn Renee Read

    Jenn Renee Read | 01 November 2012

    This is the first Darren Shan book I have read and I was really excited to read the book. Who doesn’t like a good zombie story? The cover is awesome looking and I admit I mainly went off the...

    Read full review: Jenn Renee Read
  • Wanted readers

    Wanted readers | 31 October 2012

    This takes the cake; I can honestly say I have never ever in my life read anything like this. As my first introduction to this author, who I would learn later has a tendency to kill at will, my...

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  • The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia

    The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia | 31 October 2012

    I'll just come right and say it. I did not read the synopsis before asking to review Darren Shan's newest book, Zom-B. All I knew going into the book was that it was by an author I like and that...

    Read full review: The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia
  • Alice Marvels

    Alice Marvels | 31 October 2012

    I was thrilled when I heard one of the masters of YA horror, Darren Shan, was planning on taking on zombies (maybe my favorite paranormal beastie) in a new series. Zom-B, the first book in a...

    Read full review: Alice Marvels
  • Pure Imagination

    Pure Imagination | 31 October 2012

    Zom-b was a very short, fast but yet very gruesome read. At under 200 pages, this book really packed in some a great little story, with an amazing amount of zombie terror. B, the main character,...

    Read full review: Pure Imagination
  • Readaraptor

    Readaraptor | 30 October 2012

    I love Darren Shan, have done since the Cirque de Freak series and I think I always will. When I first heard about Zom-B, his new YA zombie series I knew I had to get it and read it as soon as...

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  • Empire Of Books

    Empire Of Books | 30 October 2012

    First off, I would like to make it very clear that I am a little annoyed at Mr. Shan. Not because Zom-B is bad. Bad it most certainly is not. But because he's made it so damn hard to review!...

    Read full review: Empire Of Books