Larten and Wester have cut themselves off from their master, Seba Nile, to run with the Cubs, young vampires who have not yet fully committed to the demands of the clan. They drink and womanise their way across the world, and revel in warfare. Following the death of a friend, Larten and his...
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  • Reviews for Ocean Of Blood

  • Chuckles Book Cave

    Chuckles Book Cave | 17 January 2014

    Larten and Wester decide to go out on their own to sample the hard drinking playboy lifestyles of Cubs until they are ready to settle back down to the Vampire life. When it is time to test...

    Read full review: Chuckles Book Cave
  • Nyx Book Reviews

    Nyx Book Reviews | 18 April 2013

    I’ve been an almost life-long fan of Darren Shan’s books. The first time I read The Vampire’s Assistant I was around eight. After that first encounter with the wonderful world of vampires that...

    Read full review: Nyx Book Reviews
  • YA big BOOKworm

    YA bigBOOKworm | 13 March 2013

    This book was a little better for me. I felt that is was a little slow until around the ending, but it was still a really great book. A lot of the characters we met in The Cirque Du Freak...

    Read full review: YA big BOOKworm
  • 50 Books in a Year Challenge

    50 Books in a Year Challenge | 10 February 2013

    In my last review, I looked at Darren Shan's "Birth of a Killer". This was a surprisingly enjoyable read which left the characters of Larten Crepsley and Wester in a group of rebellious cubs, in...

    Read full review: 50 Books in a Year Challenge
  • CM Magazine

    CM Magazine | 02 September 2011

    Ocean of Blood is the second book in Darren Shan's new series which revolves around the character of Larten Crepsley. At the end of the first novel, Birth of a Killer, Larten and his brother...

    Read full review: CM Magazine
  • VOYA

    VOYA | 03 August 2011

    Before Larten Crepsley was a vampire general and Darren Shan's master in the series Cirque du Freak, he was a newly-blooded vampire youth. Cut loose by his master to explore the world of humans,...

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  • Amy’s Book Den

    Amy's Book Den | 02 August 2011

    An excellent continuation to the Saga of Larten Crepsley, Ocean of Blood managed to surprise me in more ways than one. In following the story of Larten’s “teenage” years I found myself relating...

    Read full review: Amy’s Book Den
  • Verbal Magazine

    Verbal Magazine | 14 July 2011

    This book is the second of ‘The Saga of Larten Crepsley’. This is a four book series about Mr Crepsley’s life before he met Darren Shan at the Cirque Du Freak. The books combined ultimately...

    Read full review: Verbal Magazine
  • The Irish World

    The Irish World | 14 July 2011

    Following on from the hugely successful Birth of a Killer, Darren Shan is back with the follow up novel from his four part series, The Saga of Larten Crepsley. This new four part saga brings the...

    Read full review: The Irish World
  • The Telegraph

    The Telegraph | 12 July 2011

    There’s nothing subtle about Darren Shan’s Ocean of Blood (HarperCollins, £12.99). Gangs of vampire cubs roam the land, scavenging off battlefields, gorging on sticky corpses. When Larten tires...

    Read full review: The Telegraph
  • Death Books And Tea

    Death Books And Tea | 21 June 2011

    You may know Crepsley from the Saga of Darren Shan (review coming one day). This is the point-the entire series is his backstory. However you don’t need to have read the Saga of Darren Shan to...

    Read full review: Death Books And Tea
  • The Crab Shack

    The Crab Shack | 19 June 2011

    Buoyed by a courteous comment from Darren Shan himself posted beneath my review of the first novel in his latest vampiric series, Birth of a Killer (see HERE – I was well chuffed!), wherein he...

    Read full review: The Crab Shack
  • Readings of Benji

    Readings of Benji | 26 May 2011

    Okay so like I've said a million times and I'll say it a million more, I love Darren Shan. He's a great author. This book was an absolute masterpiece, from beginning to end. I really love the new...

    Read full review: Readings of Benji
  • Books @ NCPL

    Books @ NCPL | 16 May 2011

    Larten Crepsley is a young vampire with great aspirations. After leaving his mentor Seba Nile for a period of time that all Cubs (as young vampires are called) take to find themselves, Larten is...

    Read full review: Books @ NCPL
  • The Book Keep

    The Book Keep | 03 May 2011



    At the end of the last book, Larten and Wester were left behind by Seba so that they could have fun...

    Read full review: The Book Keep
  • EshDee - fan review - contains PLOT SPOILERS

    EshDee | 01 May 2011

    You might when reading the book be surprised that the actual oceanic-based parts of the book are at the closing few chapters. Nevertheless, Ocean of Blood is a fitting title for the book. This is...

    Read full review: EshDee - fan review - contains PLOT SPOILERS
  • CSI: Librarian

    CSI: Librarian | 01 May 2011

    I need to point out two important things before my actual review. Thing 1 is that the summary for the book is so much more exciting than the actual thing that I could just cry. Thing 2 is that I...

    Read full review: CSI: Librarian
  • The Bookbag

    The Bookbag | 30 April 2011

    In book two of this prequel series about the beloved orange-haired vampire from Darren Shan's Cirque du Freak series, we find Larten Crepsley and his friend Wester Flack finally free of the...

    Read full review: The Bookbag
  • The Book Zone

    The Book Zone | 29 April 2011

    The publication of a new Darren Shan book is always something of an event at the school where I teach - in the weeks running up to release date we have a constant stream of boys coming in to the...

    Read full review: The Book Zone