• Another Molly Marie Tuesday!

    11 February 2020

    It's Molly Marie Tuesday again! Yep, she's back with three more designs for possible tattoos. The first was inspired by the character of Steve Leopard, and Molly Marie said she was so pleased with...

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  • Litcast of Doom

    10 February 2020

    "LORD LOSS, as one of the first horror stories I read as a kid, taught me the meaning of having hope, and the different ways we can and should pursue to heal."


    I love it when a reader truly...

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  • The tooth, the whole tooth, and…

    09 February 2020

    While my daughter Gaia has been taking her first steps in recent weeks (see last Sunday's post) my son Dante lost his first tooth, which was a VERY exciting time for him. "It's loose! It's loose!...

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  • Orange or red?!?

    08 February 2020

    This one made me chuckle! As the artist Amity Lee notes, the colour "orange" wasn't known as that in Europe until oranges -- the fruit -- were introduced in the late 15th or 16th century, and even...

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  • Perfect Zom-B

    07 February 2020

    A fan of my books, called Patricia, wrote to me recently to say:


    "I have just finished reading and listening to the Zom-B series. I absolutely loved it! B quickly became one of my favorite YA...

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  • Midwest Book Review

    06 February 2020

    "Molls Like It Hot is the perfect choice for noir detective readers who like their stories unpredictable, multifaceted, and hard to put down."


    Not my words, but the words of reviewer Diane...

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