• Hair colour and time travel

    08 October 2021

    A tweeter with the handle of Vampire Council shared this orange colour chart with me, and asked where exactly Mr Crepsley's hair colour would fit on it. Hmm... it's a tricky one! I think it depends...

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  • Archibald Lox Volume 2 - first look!!!!

    07 October 2021



    I wasn't planning to release the Archibald Lox Volume 2 omnibus edition until next spring, because a traditional publisher would always leave a sizeable gap between the...

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  • Cirque Du Freak manga omnibus Volume 4

    06 October 2021

    Look what got delivered to my doorstep this morning -- my author copies of Volume 4 of the Cirque Du Freak manga omnibus!!! Yay!!!!!!


    This green-haired little beauty, which collects books 7 and...

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  • Once more, with feeling!

    05 October 2021

    Not long after I posted my daily blog post yesterday, Facebook and a few other big hitting social media sites crashed and burned. Coincidence?!?


    Um... YES!!!! :-)


    But since Facebook was...

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  • Octocon recording

    04 October 2021

    I had lots of fun at my live online Octocon event yesterday. It's been a long time since I did an event like this one, and it reminded me how much I've missed that part of my life over the last...

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  • Live public event TODAY!!!!!

    03 October 2021

    It's almost time for my ONLY live public online event of 2021, as part of Octocon 2021 -- it kicks off half an our from when I'm typing this, at 2pm Irish time. (9am East Coast time in the USA.)...

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