• King John’s Dolores

    11 October 2020

    Limerick's most famous landmark is without a doubt King John's castle. I hadn't been to visit it in years, but the Shan clan popped along late in August, the day before Dante started back at...

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  • Darren cool, Darren old, and Darren new

    10 October 2020

    As readers of my Cirque Du Freak books can attest, during my years in Vampire Mountain I might not have been the bravest Vampire Prince... or the smartest... or the coolest... or the...

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  • Molly Marie IS Desmond Tiny!

    09 October 2020

    Have we time to squeeze in some photos of one more cosplaying Shanster before the end of the week?!? I think we do!!!


    Today it's Molly Marie's turn to hog the spotlight, as she dresses up as...

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  • And the number 1 vampire movie on Netflix in 2020 is…

    08 October 2020

    Haters of the Cirque Du Freak movie might want to look away now!! :-)


    The VideoInk site recently compiled list of what they consider to be the best vampire movies and TV shows on Netflix in...

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  • Larten young and old

    07 October 2020

    We're pressing on with our Shansters cosplaying as characters from my books, and today it's a double feature that captures Mr Crepsley at very different times of his life, and in two very different...

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  • Will we ever see the back of Tattoo Tuesday?!?

    06 October 2020

    I'm delighted to present another Tattoo Tuesday post, and this week's it's a Shanster called Zoe in the spotlight. As in the last couple of posts, Zoe opted for my "Even in death may you be...

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