• Do the Shanster mash!

    26 August 2019

    I don't do mash-ups of my differing universes, despite the number of times that fans have remarked on how "cool" it would be to see Lord Loss team up with Mr Tiny, or Dervish take on the vampaneze,...

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  • Torc waterfall

    25 August 2019

    Killarney is a beautiful part of the world, and I'm lucky enough to live fairly close to it, so I've been able to visit it a lot over the years. My parents took me and my brother there countless...

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  • Wonderoes Zom-B review

    24 August 2019

    There was a review of the first Zom-B book over on the Wonderoes blog recently, by a reader called Danielle, and it's one that really caught my eye, because it dwells on the racism elements of the...

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  • Edinburgh summary

    23 August 2019

    I had a lovely time at the Edinburgh Book Festival yesterday. I started with a school event, playing to a packed house in the main theatre -- 750 excited kids from various schools. School events at...

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  • Last shout-out for Edinburgh

    22 August 2019

    It's Thursday, August 22nd, 2019. At 5.30pm I'll be appearing at the Edinburgh International Book Festival for the 20th year in a row. I've posted about it extensively over the last few weeks,...

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  • Edinburgh ahoy!

    21 August 2019

    I fly to Edinburgh this morning for my events at the International Book Festival tomorrow. It's the 20th year in a row that I've appeared there, which is quite a remarkable achievement, even is I...

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