• Limerick Library

    19 February 2021

    Limerick Library recently asked me if I'd film a short video, recommending one of my favourite books to their younger readers. I was more than happy to comply, and pumped for The Machine Gunners,...

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  • The Mystery of the Missing Legs

    18 February 2021

    The Mystery of the Missing Legs.


    That sounds like the title of some surreal Agatha Christie novel, doesn't it?!? But in actual fact this is far stranger than anything the famed mystery author...

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  • Presentation College storyboards

    17 February 2021

    First Year students at Presentation College, Wexford, in Ireland, have been studying Cirque Du Freak this year, and some of them created storyboards inspired by the book. I think they did a great...

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  • Cirque Du Freak manga on Comixology

    16 February 2021

    I posted last week about the first two books of the Cirque Du Freak manga now being available to buy as eBooks, in addition to being back in physical print in the omnibus edition which went on sale...

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  • Rowan IS Arra Sails!

    15 February 2021

    A fan called Rowan posted the following over on Facebook recently:


    "With World Book Day coming up next month, my mum asked for help recreating a book cover to use as an example for her...

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  • St Brigit’s Day

    14 February 2021

    It was St Brigid's Day at the start of the month -- she's one of Ireland's patron saints, along with St Patrick, which is why so many women in Ireland are named after her, including my mother, and...

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