• Blurbage By Schizo Smiley

    Blurbage By Schizo Smiley | 24 February 2013

    For my book reviews, I’m combining two. The first two are the first two books in Darren Shan’s new Zom-B series. The first is entitled, appropriately, ‘Zom-B’ and its sequel is ‘Zom-B...

    Read full review: Blurbage By Schizo Smiley
  • Hellnotes

    Hellnotes | 22 March 2013

    An in your face zombie thriller with open jaws gnashing at your face. Zom-B can only be described as a shudder inducing assault to your senses. Zom-B is a horrific zombie tale that got it right....

    Read full review: Hellnotes
  • Books Change Your Life

    Books Change Your Life | 22 March 2013



    I finished reading this book in about two hours . The book is fascinating from the very first pages and even if i`m not a big fan of zombies story I liked...

    Read full review: Books Change Your Life
  • Books @ NCPL

    Books @ NCPL | 20 March 2013

    B is an average teenage delinquent with a freshly shaved head and a very bad temper. B likes to stay out at night with friends, listen to music, and bully people. While B breaks a lot of rules...

    Read full review: Books @ NCPL
  • Herts24

    Herts24 | 18 March 2013

    After the break-neck speed of Darren Shan’s first two Zom B books in this series of Zombie apocalyptic horror aimed at young readers, this third instalment offers a refreshing change of pace.


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  • Ashley Manning

    Ashley Manning | 17 March 2013

    The third book in Shan’s newest series is finally out. I’ve bee waiting to read more of B’s adventure since the second I finished the last one, way back in January. B has left the underground...

    Read full review: Ashley Manning
  • Annan Academy English Department Blog

    Annan Academy English Department Blog | 16 March 2013

    I bought a copy of Darren Shan’s Zom-B: City (the third book in the Zom-B series) in the supermarket on Thursday and the girl at the checkout looked at it closely and asked, “Is this for you?”

    Read full review: Annan Academy English Department Blog
  • The New Zealand Herald

    The New Zealand Herald | 15 March 2013

    After an odd prologue, "B" takes up the story, with his family debating whether the news item about a zombie attack in Ireland is real or CGI. His dad, who we discover is a full-blown racist,...

    Read full review: The New Zealand Herald
  • Empire Of Books

    Empire Of Books | 14 March 2013

    This review begins with a question... Darren Shan, just how amazing do you actually want to be? Because you have floored me with Zom-B City!!! I don't know what it is you do, who it is that...

    Read full review: Empire Of Books
  • Ms Yingling Reads

    Ms Yingling Reads | 14 March 2013

    After throwing Tylor to the zombies, B has been turned into one, and is being held at an undergroung military facility after coming back to some semblance of consciousness. There are revived...

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  • Blog Dangerous

    Blog Dangerous | 13 March 2013



    Continuing on from Zom-B, the first book in the series, “Underground” offers a fascinating insight into the life (or unlife) and thoughts of a zombie.


    The first book...

    Read full review: Blog Dangerous
  • YA big BOOKworm

    YA bigBOOKworm | 13 March 2013

    The final book of The Larten Crepsley Saga, and man was it a good one! Larten has experienced more tragedy in his life that anyone should, but he manages to find his way through it all in the...

    Read full review: YA big BOOKworm