• Memoirs of a Teenage Bibliophile

    Memoirs of a Teenage Bibliophile | 10 December 2012

    (This review was originally supposed to be autoposted on 8/27/12, but was not posted posted until December due to queue problems.)


    I found this book in a stack in the middle of the...

    Read full review: Memoirs of a Teenage Bibliophile
  • A Librarian’s Library

    A Librarian's Library | 07 December 2012

    Here is a summary of this novel in one line: This book is one part The Walking Dead and one part A Clockwork Orange. The story primarily centers around a group of high schoolers that one might...

    Read full review: A Librarian’s Library
  • Pretty Deadly Reviews

    Pretty Deadly Reviews | 06 December 2012

    I think Zom-B by Darren Shan is the most interesting series I've discovered this year. It was a zombie novel, obviously, but it contained so much more. From family dynamics, gender identity,...

    Read full review: Pretty Deadly Reviews
  • VOYA

    VOYA | 06 December 2012

    B Smith is a tough cracker--living with a father like Todd, anyone would have to be tough, if just for self-defense. Todd has a habit of getting drunk and beating up on his family. B takes the...

    Read full review: VOYA
  • The Crazy Bookworm

    The Crazy Bookworm | 05 December 2012

    Whats that you say? Zombies? Yes, please!

    This is my first Darren Shan novel although I have heard many, MANY amazing things about his Darren Shan and Demonata series, so what better way to...

    Read full review: The Crazy Bookworm
  • datbookreviews

    datbookreviews | 03 December 2012

    The Thin Executioner, by Darren Shan (whom happens to me one of my all time favourite authors) is a book I believe Shan released last year. It’s really strange writing about Darren Shan as an...

    Read full review: datbookreviews
  • Portal To The Pages

    Portal To The Pages | 02 December 2012

    Zom-B is the first book of a twelve book series by Irish author Darren Shan. Shan is famous for writing Young Adult Horror novels, most notably The Saga of Darren Shan and The Demonata. The books...

    Read full review: Portal To The Pages
  • Kiss The Book

    Kiss The Book | 02 December 2012

    No one really believes the TV footage of a zombie massacre in neighboring Ireland is real. B has a hard enough home life –an abusive racist father –and its starting to rub off on him. He is a...

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  • Ashley Manning

    Ashley Manning | 27 November 2012

    I want to write about a book I read a couple of months ago, Zom-B by Darren Shan. I’m a longtime Shan fan, and have read everything he has written. But I have thought though that recently his...

    Read full review: Ashley Manning
  • Books Glorious Books

    Books Glorious Books | 26 November 2012

    I am a huge fan of Darren Shan's books and this was no exception even if I did feel like it didn't live up to his other work.

    It was definitely not what I was expecting from Shan. I was...

    Read full review: Books Glorious Books
  • The Aussie Zombie

    The Aussie Zombie | 26 November 2012

    I've never read a Darren Shan book, but everything I heard about him is positive, so as soon as I saw Zom-B, I had to buy it. A zombie book written by an author with an excellent reputation, set...

    Read full review: The Aussie Zombie
  • My Cricket Blog

    My Cricket Blog | 26 November 2012

    What. A. Weird. Read. And yet I loved every second of it.


    Darren Shan is one of my favorite authors, of all time! I’ve read two of his series’ of books. Which I have reviewed and if I...

    Read full review: My Cricket Blog