• Cyber Monday 2021

    29 November 2021

    AAARRRGGGGGHHHH!!! I announced in yesterday's post that Sunday would definitely be the final day of my Archibald Lox sale, and thought no more about it until I suddenly remembered... today is CYBER...

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  • Leahy’s Farm

    28 November 2021

    Back in the summer, the Shan Clan visted Leahy's Farm when we were on our holiday in Cork. There was loads to do there, as you can see from the photos -- that's my son Dante on a very inventive...

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  • Reminder of Black Friday sale

    27 November 2021

    This is the last official day of my Archibald Lox Black Friday sale (though I probably won't put the price back up to normal until after the weekend). This is one of my best ever deals -- up to 80%...

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  • Black Friday’s amazing Shan sale!

    26 November 2021

    Want to buy a 500 page Darren Shan book for just $0.99?!? Cometh the BLACK FRIDAY, cometh the Shan!!


    To link in with the busiest shopping day of the year, I'm offering readers one of my best...

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  • The Demonata TV series - in an alternate reality!

    25 November 2021

    Who here saw and loved all three series of the Netflix Demonata TV series that started to stream in 2017?!? You must remember it -- directed by Andy Muschietti? Theme song called "Salt of the...

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  • 5 books that need a TV show

    24 November 2021

    A writer over on a site called Set The Tape recently wrote an article called 5 Books That Need A TV Show, which lists five books that... well, I think you can work out the rest from the title!!!...

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